Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Units
The AirX Climate Solutions Brand of Marvair is a leading manufacturer of specialty heating and air conditioning products for industrial and commercial uses.
Marvair’s energy efficient exterior wall mount air conditioners and heat pumps are versatile problem solvers for a variety of industries, including energy storage, telecommunications, schools, data centers, and petrochemical facilities. All Marvair products meet or exceed the US Department of Energy’s BTUH efficiency levels of 11 EER for models less than 65,000 BTUH cooling capacity and 10 EER for those greater than 65,000 BTUH. Electronically commutated indoor fan motors combined with highly efficient scroll compressors help Marvair air conditioners and heats pumps achieve these high EER ratings.
Marvair engineers its products, fabricates sheet metal, manufactures major sub-assemblies and conducts quality control testing on its products at its 300,000 square foot production and distribution facilities in Cordele and Vienna, Georgia. The Company’s process/production control systems, material flow systems, and significant quality control procedures ensure consistent quality. Our product lines have excellent reputations in the industries they serve for quality, reliability, and durability. Marvair products are sold worldwide through a factory salesforce and by manufacturer’s representatives and independent sales agents.